Perth Theatre Company - Gemma Ward 

正當全世界都在討論Gemma為The Sundy Times做的專訪,昨晚Perth Theatre Company
Programme Launch上播出一段Gemma自己在紐約臥房拍攝的短片,目前這段影片還未傳到網路上
,大家可以密切留意Perth Theatre Company官網,影片內容如下
"I'm sorry that I couldn't be there tonight, I'm sure you're all having an amazing
time soaking in the new State Theatre of Perth. I'm really excited to be on board
as an Ambassador for the Perth Theatre Company and I'm thrilled to be in the
opening play of the new Studio Underground....
I hope that you can all come and help us enjoy this play and continue to support
the theatre. So, thank you and I hope I see some of you soon. Have a good night. Bye!"

Gemma Ward's message for Perth theatre fans
Perth Now


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