眼看Stefano Pilati將離去的傳聞越鬧越大,
Yves Saint Laurent立即在官方twitter上
滅火,"From YSL HQ in Paris… Pilati
busy working on the next collection.
All the rumors unfounded —
he is here to stay."[Y_S_L twitter]
眼看Stefano Pilati將離去的傳聞越鬧越大,
Yves Saint Laurent立即在官方twitter上
滅火,"From YSL HQ in Paris… Pilati
busy working on the next collection.
All the rumors unfounded —
he is here to stay."[Y_S_L twitter]
最近時尚圈再度傳出Stefano Pilati將離開YSL的"傳聞",一切起於Kenzo公關
twitter的兩則留言- "Just heard BIG news about this being a certain designer
at an established French house’s last season and being replaced by someone major!!"
"CEO has just left and now the designer replaced by someone who has
moved away from design the last couple of yrs but stayed in fashion."
依據內容很快讓人連想到近期離職的YSL CEO Valérie Hermann,目前根據
hint mag所接獲的消息,如果傳聞是真的,那麼接替Stefano Pilati的重量級人物將
會是Hedi Slimane!!而這個傳聞又牽扯到另一個傳聞,如果Carine Roitfeld沒有發行
法國版Harper's Bazaar,將可能會與Hedi Slimane合作打造新的YSL。
我們已經知道Emmanuelle Alt上任Vogue Paris總編
的第一個封面人物將由Gisele Bundchen,但人們還是
會對Emmanuelle Alt會帶來什麼不一樣的改變感到好奇,
The Telegraph的Hilary Alexander在Chanel HC秀後
Vogue Paris未來走向做了註解"French Vogue today is a
successful magazine and it has a strong identity,
so it will probably stay along the same lines' she explained.
'But, I mean, some things will change of course,
because we have a different eye - It will be the same, but different!"
要參加22號Prada由Miucha Prada親自坐鎮的海外第一場大秀,
秦舒培,Tao Okamoto..),就我們從目前有限資源所知參與這場秀的模特兒應該有
Siri Tollerod, Anabela Belikova, Arizona Muse, Daiane Conterato,
Ginta Lapina, Hailey Clauson, Hanne Gaby Odiele, Kinga Razjak,
Lindsey Wixson, Linnea Regnander, Lisanne De Jong , Nimue Smit,
Samantha Gradoville , Tatiana Cotliar, Valerija Kelava, Zuzanna Bijoch
Models : Magdalena Frackowiak, Barbora Dvorakova & Baptiste Giabiconi
去年12月Carine Roitfeld在年末為時尚圈投下震撼彈,離開待了十年的Vogue Paris,
今天在官網正式宣佈由擔任Fashion Director的Emmanuelle Alt晉升成為總編,
未來這個風格一樣很酷的總編將會如何帶領Vogue Paris,讓我們拭目以待吧!
Emmanuelle Alt, rédactrice en chef de Vogue Paris
Vogue Paris
大家一定好奇Karl Lagerfeld在廣告中說什麼?!其實是在捧自家人!
Karl:這些車怎麼這麼有型ㄚ!一定是來自法國,此時Baptiste Giabiconi
圖片來源:JAK & JIL
今天時尚圈最勁爆的消息莫過於Carine Roitfeld即將離開待了十年的
Vogue Paris主編一職,一直以來Carine Roitfeld都是謠傳中Anna
Wintour離開美版Vogue後的最佳人選,但現在Anna Wintour沒離開
,反而Carine Roitfeld先走一步,目前大家都在猜測Carine Roitfeld
未來的動向,她是否會去加入Tom Ford?未來接替Vogue Paris主編
Carine Roitfeld quitte Vogue Paris
Vogue Paris
Carine Roitfeld Resigns From French Vogue
The New York Times
這場在紐約The Pierre Hotel舉辦的Lanvin X H&M "haute couture" fashion show,
愛讀絕不可能會錯過,也許大家都把焦點放在日本版Vogue編輯Anna Della Russo
身上,但這場秀除了愛讀最愛的Siri妹妹外,還有我們可愛的朋友Julia Frakesㄛ!