
models.com這個月在Top 50重新做了排名,很多人似乎只看到後果而已,還以為Gemma被踢出排名外,其實之前models.com就在首頁貼出Top 50 Remix的公告如下 - You may have noticed that the Top 50 has been remixed and remodeled with Raquel Zimmerman upgrading to the No 1 slot. A significant aspect of the remix is the decision to refocus the rankings around the purely editorial girls of the moment, so much so that we could very well have retitled it, Top 50 Editorial Models. Gemma Ward and Malgosia are bound for the Icons rankings as soon as we confirm their SS08 bookings(所以確認後就會在Icons看到排名了)Several long distance runners like Tiiu and Heather Marks will be joining the likes of Gisele and Daria on our newest ranking, the Top 25 Money Girls (新的類別排名), which will chronicle those former editorial queens who have graduated to the level of financial powerhouses in the industry. And isn’t that the ultimate name of the game.希望這樣能幫大家搞清楚發生什麼事了!
models.com Top 50 Remix 


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