這季時裝週很明顯的Sasha的秀變少太多了,原本以為是她將重心放在別的事務上,但在米蘭時裝週她未替Prada走秀引起軒然大波,這幾年Sasha已經與Prada劃上等號,大家紛紛猜測她是否被Prada換掉了?!但看過fwd的報導後,一切疑問都得到了答案,Sasha生病了!經紀公司只允許她在NYFW走Anna Sui的秀,原本以為能趕在MFW康復,但結果還是必須錯過MFW,至於能不能趕上巴黎時裝週,還無法確定,we love Sasha!希望Sasha能早日康復!
PRADA SANS PIVOVAROVA: As models walked out in their final looks at Tuesday's Prada show, many model-savvy insiders noticed that the company's current muse du jour, Sasha Pivovarova,was missing in action. The Russian-born, New York-based supermodel, it turns out, is still recovering from an unspecified illness and has been under the weather for weeks now. According to her agent, she was able to walk only in Anna Sui in New York and planned to fly to Milan where she is usually requested by virtually every top house, but did not recover in time. The intellectual beauty is hoping to make it out to the Paris shows next week. We wish her well.
- Feb 21 Thu 2008 22:10
Get well soon,Sasha!